Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Campaign Week 5 - The Vale of the Sleeping Titan

The Dunewraith’s Chaos host reisisted the assault of the Dark Elf slavers.

Verlbog traveled down the jungle path away from the commotion. As jungle thicket gave way to fresh air, a wide valley opened before him. The top of a lonely Lizardmen temple could be seen above the canopy and jungle fog.

The orc marched towards the center of the vale when something snaped under his foot. He looked down to find a broken orc choppa. A few feet farther down he noticed a discarded orc shield. As he proceeded through the jungle path he found an alarming number of broken orc weapons until finally coming to a large haphazard mound of dead Boyz – one of his raiding ships must have landed up the coast and made a camp at the edge of the valley before something powerful or overwhelming broke them.

Verlbog dug his pale claws into the ground. His body shook and his icy eyes emitted an intense light as once again, his new powers manifested in black waves of malevolent energy radiating outward from him and onto the mound of orc corpses. The dead orcs slowly twitched back to life, pulling themselves free of the mass grave.The sound of bones grinding against broken joints filled the air as the mountain of animated corpses calmly joined the other hazy-eyed undead orcs behind Verlbog.

The orc stood back up and continued walking towards the temple unaware that he had been monitored by cold reptilian eyes the second they'd entered the valley. This was the domain of the Children of the Old Ones, and outsiders only proved adept at stumbling around…and waking ancient trouble.

The Dark Elf assault had not been in vain – The Druchii took many human slaves into the hold of their airship, the Malekith’s Spite. The Dark Elf captain, Master Slaver Spiv Korval, directed the airship toward one of the camps set up in the deep jungle – At the edge of a vale overlooking a lizard temple – and conveniently, the direction the greenskins disapeared to.
Korval was eager to return to his Black Ark, the Vision of Khaine, anchored at the western coast of Lustria – but he would do so only once his holds were overfull with slaves for Naggaroth.

Below them, Chaos marauder scouts  struggled to keep up with the airship under the cover of jungle. The battle was not yet over.

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