Friday, July 9, 2010

Campaign Week 2 - Hexoatl Awakened

Game 1: Dunewraith’s night attack was beaten back by the alert forces of Verlbog Maneater in a decisive victory. Both parties claimed a minor bonus amidst the crates of the orc camp:

Verlborg – 16 point Boar
Dunewraith – 16 point Barded Chaos Steed

Moopy Morkyfeet returned from scouting at dawn. The orc camp was in complete dissaray, some of the piles of crates and supplies they had previously unloaded were aflame or broken.

“By Gork, what has Verlbog been doing with the camp?! He probably overdid it with the ale again…”

“OY!” Bellowed the enormous Verlbog as he pushed his way through a crowd of orcs, red blood dripping from his choppa. “We’s been attacked, Moops. Them humies attacked us when you were out, but we beat their bleedin’ heads in! ORCS IS THE TOUGHEST THERE IS!”

The camp errupted in roaring cheer.

Moopy saw corpses of Chaos worshippers everywhere, intermingled with the occasional dead greenskin.
“LOOKIT DIS MOOPY, I GOT ME SOME PROPER HAIR HAHAHA” laughed Verlbog, placing a piece of matted, bloody chaos marauder beard on his head.

“A night attack, eh Verlbog? Looks like you did well enough. I found some interesting stuff out in the jungle, mate. I think we’re pretty close to one of the Lizard Temple-Cities, but these Chaos humies worry me. We don’t want to get caught between them and the lizzies. There’s little ones out in the jungle, crawling about and spying. We got a few but some of ‘em shot up my gits with little darts that turned them purple and dead.“

The bloody tangle of flesh and hair fell off Verlbog’s green leathery head. “LITTLE LIZZIES DO NAE SCARE ME! – First fing first, Moops. These humies burnt our stuff and killed some ‘o da boyz. We’s chasin them down, finding their weak humie warboss, and feedin’ him to my Boar!”

“Fine. March right into the jungle.” Said the gobbo, smiling. “I have other matters to attend to.”


In the Temple-City of Hexoatl, the Saurus Veteran Axtlan Nahua, Servant of the Slann, quietly contemplated war and the great plan of the Old Ones. A lone Skink entered the vaulted solarium where Axtlan meditated. Noislessly, he made his way to the still warrior.

The mighty Saurus emmited a low rumble as the Skink explained that intruders had been spotted by scouts near the Cactus Coast. He stood up calmly and effortlessly picked up a massive great weapon and walked to the Cold One stables.

It had been a slow day in a life several thousand years old, and greenskin intruders were welcome sport. He would never fail the Mage-Priests.

SCENARIO 2: A fast moving contingent of Lizardmen led by Axtlan Nahua race to meet the encroaching greenskin horde in the Lustrian jungle. Axtlan’s own Cold One unit must be defeated or ran off to earn a bonus.

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